Tag Archive | mulch

Gardening… what a way to Live wise and Spend wise!

I guess this is just an update on my gardening project more that anything else and I must admit, gardening is one of the best things I do that completely matches up with the title of my blog.

My last Garden update was May 10th and although I am posting today, please note I took these pictures June 29th.  It has been 7 weeks since the last posted pictures and these I am posting today and boy oh boy what I difference we have!

PEPPERS!  If you remember, in my last post I mentioned I was having trouble with something eating the leaves of all my peppers plants. I picked up some Captain Jack, which is an organic spray, and it seemed to have helped a little.  Overall however, my peppers are the slowest plant I am growing.

Jalapenos – They are coming along. The plant hasn’t taken off like it did last year, but I have peppers! I assume by August I will have a ton more.

Bell Peppers – Last year I did a green bell pepper. This year I went with a green bell and a red bell. They are still showing no signs of peppers or blooms. Last year they took forever as well so I’m just being super patient.  Fingers crossed.

Hot Banana peppers – This guy has been a slow grower as well.  I got one tiny pepper so far and that’s it.  Over all I think I need patience with all the peppers.

I’m hoping throughout July, they will go nuts! Any advice?

Tomatoes – My tomatoes are booming, but they are slow turning red.  Just look at all the grape tomatoes I have!  They are just so green. I want red!  Even the roma hybrids are green.  Again, I need patience, or advice.

Zucchini – WOW, do these plants get insanely huge.  This thing has not been shy about growing enormous. Just look at it! It’s neat to see the blooms open up wide like this in the morning hours, but then in the heat of the day they will close back up.  As big as the plant is, I have been waiting and waiting to see a zucchini. Finally, this past weekend as I was working in the garden I did a double, almost triple take and noticed two of the biggest zucchini hiding way up under the plant.  I had them this past Sunday and man were they yummy!

Cucumber – It’s a good thing I gave my cucumber room to crawl and fencing to climb. This by far, has been my most productive plant. I have had a cucumber almost everyday for nearly two weeks now.  I’ve even given some away and they aren’t stopping. I just plucked all the ready ones before this picture, but look at the blooms still coming! I’m about to have to make some pickles and ask for recipes 🙂 Anyone had cucumber slices in their water??? YUM!!

The watermelon is looking pretty healthy thus far. I forgot to take a picture but there isn’t much to show other than a vine going crazy. She gets the least amount of sun, so we will have to wait and see if anything is to come from her. I saw a few blooms the other day, but that is it.

So there you have it.  So far I feel like I’m doing ok for only my second year at this hobby.  In addition to growing the plants, I also have had to fend off weeds. I spent last Friday in the 104 degree weather (yes I’m nuts) doing major weed control. I got tired of pulling weeds so I went with plan B. Time to smother them! I put down 2 rows of newspaper and lots and lots of mulch.  It actually made a huge difference and even looks prettier 🙂 Im just back from my parents lake house and Im already anxious to head to my BF’s house to check on the garden. I wrote this post a few days ago and saved it as a draft. Now I’m posting it a few days later and ready to see what has changed….Here’s to hoping for more produce after the storms from the week!